» Road map

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Road map to Mitec Instrument AB

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If you are coming from the Karlstad direction:
Follow road 45 to the bridge which crosses the river. Make a right turn immidiatly after the bridge (next to Peterson). Follow the road until you come to a roundabout. Make a left turn. You will find us on your left, before the next crossing. You can park in the back yard.

If you are coming from the Gothenburg direction:
Take the second exit to the right against the town centre (after McDonalds, next to the Coop supermarket). Then take the second road to the right. We are located on your right side after about 25 m. You can park in the road or in our back yard.

Address for your GPS
Västra Storgatan 18
S-661 30 SÄFFLE

Mitec Instrument, Box 25, SE-661 21 Säffle, Sweden
Visit: Hantverkaregatan 4, 661 30 Säffle, Sweden
Phone: +46 533 689370, E-mail: info@mitec.se