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Katrina – Mitec among the companies chosen

The Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce South Central in Mississippi has asked...

...innovative Swedish companies for proposals for products and technology that could help in the clean-up process after Hurricane Katrina. Mitec is one of the 14 companies whose proposal was accepted.

Mitec supplies complete measuring and monitoring systems for remote monitoring of water levels, pH, conductivity, turbidity and other environmental parameters. The system is based on small battery-powered measuring stations which use GSM/GPRS for transferring measuring data to Internet and customers’ own computer systems. The systems are well-tested and used in environmental applications by companies such as the Swedish Nuclear Waste and Fuel Company, the National Road Administration and the National Rail Administration as well as by industrial companies such as Munters Torkteknik and Hägglunds Drives. The equipment can be installed in the field by operations personnel, is delivered turnkey and starts supplying measuring data immediately. The measuring stations are battery-powered and use the GSM network. This means the system is independent of fixed electricity and telephone networks which are given requirements in disaster regions. The equipment can be started up via the global telephone network directly from Sweden which dramatically reduces installation costs and users receive measuring data directly via Internet without delay.

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Published 2005-12-09, 11:28
Updated 2005-12-09, 11:28


Mitec Instrument, Box 25, SE-661 21 Säffle, Sweden
Visit: Hantverkaregatan 4, 661 30 Säffle, Sweden
Phone: +46 533 689370, E-mail: info@mitec.se